Accessibility Digital Services Policy

Date: August 26, 2023


At Initiative LTD, we are committed to ensuring that our digital services are accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

This Accessibility Digital Services Policy outlines our commitment to making our website,, accessible to the widest possible audience, including those with disabilities.

Policy Statement

Initiative LTD recognizes the importance of providing a website that is inclusive and available for all user groups, including the elderly and those with visual, hearing, cognitive, or motor impairments.


This policy applies to all digital services provided by Initiative LTD through our website

Our Commitment

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

We aim to ensure that all pages of our website meet Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, as a minimum standard. These guidelines are the internationally recognized benchmark for building accessible websites.

User-Centered Design

Our website has been designed with a user-centered approach, ensuring a seamless experience for all users, including those using assistive technologies.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our digital services and ensuring that they remain accessible. Regular audits and user testing will be conducted to identify areas for improvement.

Feedback and Reporting Issues

If you experience any accessibility issues or have feedback on how we can improve our digital services, please contact us:

We aim to respond to feedback within 5 business days.

Related Policies and Resources

For more information on our commitment to inclusivity, transparency, and ethical practices, please refer to the following policies:

Training and Awareness

All staff at Initiative LTD are made aware of the importance of digital accessibility.

Regular training sessions are conducted to ensure that our team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to maintain and improve the accessibility of our digital services.

External Links

Our website may contain links to external websites. While we strive to link only to websites that share our commitment to accessibility, we cannot guarantee the accessibility of external sites.


This Accessibility Digital Services Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date with current standards and guidelines.


At Initiative LTD, we believe in creating an inclusive digital environment where everyone can access information and services without barriers.

We are committed to continuous improvement and welcome feedback from our users to help us achieve this goal.

Thank you for choosing Initiative LTD. Your accessibility is our priority.