Anti Racism Policy

Date: August 26, 2023


At Initiative LTD, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where every individual is treated with respect and dignity.

Racism, in any form, is not tolerated within our community, and we are dedicated to taking proactive measures to ensure that all members of our community are free from racial discrimination and bias.

This Anti-Racism Policy outlines our stance against racism and the steps we are taking to uphold these principles.

Our Commitment

Zero Tolerance For Racism

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards racism. This means that any form of racial discrimination, harassment, or bias—whether overt or subtle—is strictly prohibited. We believe that every individual has the right to work, learn, and interact in an environment that is free from prejudice and discrimination.

Continuous Improvement

We recognize that the fight against racism is an ongoing process. As such, we are committed to continuously reviewing and updating our policies, procedures, and practices to ensure they reflect our anti-racism stance.

Scope Of The Policy

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, visitors, and stakeholders of Initiative LTD. It covers all company-related activities, both online and offline, including but not limited to:

  • Workplace interactions
  • Online communications on company platforms
  • Company-sponsored events and activities
  • Interactions with clients and partners

Reporting And Addressing Incidents

Reporting Mechanism

If you witness or experience any form of racial discrimination or bias within our community, we urge you to report it immediately.

All reports can be sent to our dedicated email address: Your concerns will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.

Investigation and Action

Upon receiving a report, a thorough investigation will be conducted. If the report is substantiated, appropriate action will be taken, which may include disciplinary measures, up to and including termination of employment or contract.

Training and Education

Mandatory Anti-Racism Training

All employees and contractors are required to undergo mandatory anti-racism training. This training aims to educate our community about the various forms of racism, the impact of racial bias, and ways to combat it.

Continuous Learning

We encourage all members of our community to engage in continuous learning about racism and its manifestations.

This can be achieved through attending workshops, reading books, or participating in discussions. We will regularly share resources and opportunities for learning.

Related Policies

To further our commitment to creating an inclusive environment, we have several related policies that address various aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion:

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns related to this policy, please contact:

Initiative LTD
Company Number: 15082780
Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ UK

External Resources:

Note: This policy is subject to change and may be updated periodically to reflect the evolving needs and commitments of Initiative LTD.